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Interview with…

Olusola Johnson Jegede, Managing Partner

Olusola Johnson Jegede, Managing Partner

1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate Resolution Law Firm from your competitors?

Our Expertise level, Platform, Reputation, and Service delivery—are the four main differentiators that help us stand out from competitors. Resolution Law Firm is well-versed in financial technology law, intellectual property law, and corporate and commercial law. Our company takes great pride in the excellent outcomes we regularly provide to our clients. We have a history of effectively handling challenging and significant legal matters. Our ability to consistently deliver exceptional outcomes for our clients has contributed to us building a strong reputation as a respectable law firm.  

2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that?

  1. Fintech law
  2. Intellectual Property law
  3. Corporate and Commercial law
Due to the increased interest in the technology sector, fintech law is now a specialized field of the law. Furthermore, the digital age has opened enormous creative reservoirs encompassing the three main categories of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, and copyrights. As a result, concerns about intellectual property protection both domestically and globally are growing. Due to political stability and increased friendly business climate in Nigeria, it is expected that more foreign direct investment will flow into Nigeria and many new local businesses will spring up.  Our firm is well positioned to provide services in aspects of corporate establishments and various compliance advisory.  

3) What's the main change you've made in the firm that will benefit clients?

We offer a free initial consultation for both local and foreign clients via email and phone call. Our firm regularly provides legal opinions and article to further educate public on various legal matters and requirements in Nigeria. We offer newsletter signup as ways to reach out to clients and keep them informed. We have also created a virtual webinar to give potential clients an overview and understanding of the services offered by the business. Because we are deeply rooted in our community and ethical principles, we regularly engage in pro bono work and community services. Our firm has initiated the use of technology to deliver legal services to clients virtually or remotely within Nigeria and globally.  

4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them?

Following the pandemic that swept the world, technology has gained new ground. Video conferences can now be used thanks to technological advancements. By employing video conferencing, we can now meet and negotiate with our clients from any location, removing any obstacles that might have impeded communication between the client and the firm. When it comes to using social media, technology has been helpful. By penning articles and opinions on court rulings and other legal topics, we now connect with prospective clients. Furthermore, we have used technology advancement to benefit our clients in delivery of legal services. Specifically, we have successfully represented our clients in commercial arbitration and litigation using video conferencing applications.  

5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business?

Numerous clients have benefited from our assistance in setting up their businesses in Nigeria, as well as our provision of auxiliary services. We have effectively helped foreign clients register their Nigerian subsidiary companies, obtaining business permit and process various business licenses We have assisted and advised foreign clients who are unable to carry on businesses locally due to inability to open a bank account after incorporation on the best legal way to satisfy the KYC requirements for setting up accounts and import capital into the country to commence operation. We have also advised new companies on Nigerian employment law, and we have specifically recommended or suggested the suitable local persons to foreign-owned companies seeking to engage in local business sectors that mandatorily require the appointment of local persons. Without our diligent efforts and robust legal services, some of these companies won’t have been able to carry on business in Nigeria.  

6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms - where do you see the firm in three years’ time?

Yes, clients always look for solutions from their law firms in addition to legal advice. In three years’, time, I see our firm expanding its reach and growing its client base, by having offices in more locations in Nigeria and within the sub-Sahara Africa. Our firm also intends to develop or expand our practice areas by recruiting more talents to work with. In the future, I see our law firm remaining a dependable and trustworthy legal partner for our clients.