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Heather Crossthwaite

Olliers, North West


Heather joined Olliers in August 2022 bringing with her over 15 years’ experience in practicing criminal defence.

Heather qualified as a solicitor in 2012.  She has a thorough knowledge of criminal law and procedure and has amassed a wealth of experience defending clients at all stages of the criminal process.

Heathers main area of expertise involves representing clients before the Magistrates and Youth courts.  She is a proactive litigant and an able and confident advocate. Her approachable and calm manner allow her to build an excellent rapport with her clients and her priority is always to achieve the best possible outcome for them. 

In addition to her criminal expertise Heather has a good knowledge of childcare proceedings and has represented clients before the Family court on many occasions.

Heather accepts work on both a legally aided and private paying basis

