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Isobel Phillipson

Olliers, North West


Isobel joined the firm in August 2021 after completing an internship at Olliers in June 2021. Isobel quickly progressed from our Litigation Support team to Paralegal, before beginning her training contract in May 2022.

Isobel completed her Law degree at the University of Manchester, where she also volunteered at the Legal Advice Centre. She then went on to complete her LPC and joined Olliers soon after.

Isobel has assisted with both Magistrates and Crown Court cases, as well as gaining experience in DBS and PNC matters. She has also nearly completed her pre-charge accreditation, an area which Olliers specialise in.

She is particularly interested in the Magistrates Court and hopes to join this team once she has completed her training contract.


Isobel has been involved with cases at the pre-charge stage during a criminal investigation. She takes a pro-active approach during this stage, preparing representations for the police and prosecutors to advise on further lines of enquiry to assist the defence case, and helping to minimise the chances of a prosecution occurring.

Isobel has also assisted with the preparation of several DBS and PNC cases, in submitting representations to the relevant bodies in relation to resolving these matters for clients.

Recent Cases: 2023 - Pre-charge case - successfully received no further action  for a client accused of stalking 2023 - Crown Court - obtained suspended sentence for a section 18 assault case, which we sought to reduce to a section 20 assault 2023 - SHPO - successfully discharged SHPO 2023 - Pre charge case – successfully obtained no further action for both clients for witness intimidation allegations 2023 - SHPO – Successfully discharged SHPO, involving complex point of law that arose and required a court hearing to resolve 2023 - Crown Court sentence – Suspended sentence for an indecent images by mitigating on their behalf 2023 - Magistrates – Possession of drugs trial discontinued following expert analysis. Case dropped before trial, client did not have to attend court. R v J – 2022 – Involved in the preparation of a dangerous driving case in which the client received a suspended sentence and avoided immediate custody due to mitigation prepared by us. 2022 - Client K – Successfully avoided inclusion on the Children’s Barred List for allegations of failing to raise safeguarding issues and follow the relevant policies at a nursery. Testimonials:

‘Isobel has been very impressive, I know I'm in good hands.’

‘Allow me to say a very big thank you to Olliers and especially Isobel who made us feel confident and as relaxed as we could have been under the circumstances.’

‘I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work and support.’

‘Excellent work, would recommend to anyone.’

‘A fantastic, professional solicitor. Isobel is a polite, well organised , very helpful and knowledgeable solicitor. A great asset to Olliers. She was there with me all the way from start to finish and always kept me up to date. I can not speak any more highly of Isobel.’

