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Hannah Poole

Olliers, North West


Having joined Olliers in January 2021 and completing her training contract with the firm, Hannah recently qualified as a solicitor in August 2023 and is thrilled to move onto the next stages of her legal career.

Hannah has developed a keen interest in Crown Court preparation for an assortment of offences. She particularly values working alongside counsel instructed from the early stages of preparation following the initial hearing to ensuring the case is trial ready. Hannah throughout the recognised training period welcomed the opportunity to assist her colleagues who have extensive experience in this department with their cases which has then in turn allowed her to mature her own style and approach when preparing her own cases for trial or sentence. Hannah continues to also develop her understanding for working on POCA cases following conviction and sentence.

Pre-charge engagement and the investigation stages to cases is an area Hannah has worked significantly in over the last two years. She appreciates how crucial this process can be in avoiding a charging decision by adopting a pro-active approach from the get-go and has frequently made representations against charge on behalf of the client, at times involving counsel where appropriate. Hannah has also completed the Olliers internal Pre-Charge Accreditation and found this incredibly useful when advising clients on the importance to engaging in this.

Hannah is a police station accredited representative. Since completing the accreditation process, she has involved herself at any opportunity to attend a police station to represent the client requiring assistance. Hannah recognises that any advice given to a client could be detrimental and it can have real ramifications should the case progress beyond charge. Hannah appreciates that for most, attending a police station interview is unfamiliar and unnerving, Hannah ensures she takes the time to reassure the client of each stage to the process and she endeavours to maintain a meticulous approach when taking instructions and advising the client on any given scenario.


Client A – 2022 – Client A was arrested for the following; Rape, Common Assault and Attempt to administer a substance with intent to commit a sexual offence.  A pro-active approach was adopted and pre-charge engagement was established at an early stage with the officer in charge once the client had instructed Olliers to act. Particular attention was placed on the analysis of the police station notes and obtaining the client’s full instructions.  A proof of evidence was drafted which led to further enquiries put to the officer and formed the skeleton outline of our pre-chare representations submitted. The purpose of these representations, to motivate a decision not to charge and persuade the Crown Prosecution that there would not be a realistic prospect of conviction should this matter proceed to court. Following our representations, the police decided to take no further action against our client and the case was closed.

Hannah continues to actively engage in several pre-charge matters which are ongoing. She is currently undertaking research with consideration to the DPP’s Guidance and the Attorney Generals Guidelines to identify strategies to bringing an inherently weak case to an early conclusion without a protracted investigation.

Hannah has a particular interest in observing how those highly experienced in Crown Court matters prepare the case in the lead up to trial, an area she hopes to expand further in as she progressed to qualification.

Case Studies 2023 - R v U – Successfully prepared a pre-charge case where the client had been arrested for Rape. Following an effective amount of work carried out including representations against charge, the police decided that no further action was to be taken. 2023 - R v M – Engaged in a pre-charge case where the client had been arrested and was under investigation for several counts of rape.  Pre-charge enquiries were made and representations drafted in line with The Code for Crown Prosecutors. Schedules were prepared outlining the defence version of events supported by statements and exhibits. An addendum was also prepared and on consideration of all this material, the police confirmed it was not in the public interest to charge and there was not a realistic prospect of conviction. 2023 - R v MA – Effectively prepared a case for trial at the Magistrates Court where the client had been accused of several domestic offences. The client was fortunately acquitted following extensive preparation. 2023 - R v PO – Assisted in the preparation of a series of sexual offences which was heard before the Crown Court. 2023 - R v KU – Allegations of sexual and domestic nature which was heard before the Crown Court. 2023 - R v AP – Complex drug conspiracy. 2022 - R v LO – Involved in a high profile assault case 2022 - R v C – Prepared pre-charge representations following allegations of ; Rape, Common Assault and Attempt to administer a substance with intent to commit a sexual offence.  A pro-active approach was adopted and pre-charge engagement was established at an early stage with the officer in charge. Following representations, the police decided to take no further action against our client and the case was closed. 2022 - R v Z – Involved in the preparation of a committal for sentence, a successful outcome where the client avoided custody once pleading guilty to the following; inciting and engaging sexual activity, sexual communications and possession of extreme pornographic images. 2022 - R v P – Prepared a burglary matter for sentence where the client successfully avoided a custodial sentence despite an appalling history of antecedents of a similar nature. 2022 - R v S – Involved in the preparation of a youth trial representing co-defendants for possession of an offensive weapon. 2022 - R v S – Successfully prepared an appeal against sentence for a youth who avoided custody despite a poor record of previous convictions comparable to the offence the client was convicted for. 2022 - R v A – Preparation of a domestic case which was heard before the Crown Court. 2021 - R v W – Preparation of a robbery trial and sentence. 2021 / 2022 - R v T – Involved in the preparation of a complex affray and assault on an emergency worker case where little evidence supporting the Prosecution case could be found. 2022 - R v K – Involved in the preparation of a domestic and grievous bodily harm case for trial and sentence where the client successfully avoided custody. 2022 - R v F – Represented a client who was convicted for a bomb hoax matter where particular medical and mental health concerns had to be shown great consideration. 2022 - R v P – Represented a client whose matter was committed to the Crown Court for a serious stalking matter and successfully avoided a custodial sentence. 2022 - R v B – Involved in the preparation of a conspiracy to supply drugs case. Membership of Organisations WICL - Women in criminal law Testimonials

"The news a case was being made against me was totally out of nowhere and not something I could have ever imagined. Being that I had not had interactions with the police I found myself in the unsure situation of relying on my assigned solicitor. They worked fast to reassure me with the best ways to approach the case which gave me confidence in their ability. As time passed I was regularly kept up to date with the progress and developments and always felt prepared for whatever may come next. We had a favourable result after what seemed like an eternity. I will always remember the Olliers team as a whole and how professionally they applied themselves and supported my case. Thank you x 10,000."

"A huge thank you to Hannah Poole she provided an outstanding service, constant communication throughout the process putting me and my family at ease and leaving no doubts as to the next step. Hannah made a extremely stressful situation bearable. I would strongly recommend the whole team and I cannot thank you all enough for the outcome!"

"Hannah took away a lot of the stress with her ongoing support and commitment to my son and gave me confidence that we would get a good outcome. Not only did she show she cared, her empathy gave us strength at such a difficult time. I would definitely recommend Olliers!"

“I had such a good experience with a trainee solicitor Hannah. She was attentive and kept us well informed throughout. Hannah took away a lot of the stress with her ongoing support and commitment to my son and gave me confidence that we would get a good outcome."

“After chatting with Matthew and he showed his professional knowledge and I decided to go for them as crime specialist. Kate and Hannah are dealing with my case and they are very helpful and professional skills and help me pass the hard time. And I would like to thank them and Olliers solicitor with good service. And they worked with the barrister very well also. I would like to recommend them dealing with crime case.”

