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Kathryn Lloyd

Olliers, North West


Kathryn started her career with Olliers over 20 years ago, during which she qualified as a solicitor in 2001 specialising in police interview representation and Magistrates’ Court Advocacy. Kathryn left Olliers when she moved away from Manchester and she has most recently been working as an agency prosecutor for the CPS.

Kathryn re-joins Olliers as a Senior Associate and brings with her a wealth of knowledge, experience and the advantage of having worked as both a defence and prosecuting lawyer.

At Olliers Kathryn specialises in representing clients at the pre-charge investigative stage particularly in relation to allegations of a sexual nature, domestic allegations and cases involving indecent images.

Representing Neurodivergent clients

Kathryn has many year’s experience of representing neurodivergent clients. Her sensitive and emphatic manner lends itself to working with clients who require additional support.

Recent Cases R v W 2024 – successful representation at police station and pre-charge engagement resulting in no further action for alleged sexual communications with a child. R v H 2024 – successful pre-charge representations leading to no further action for indecent images and a conditional caution for possession of extreme pornography thereby avoiding  court proceedings. R v U 2024 – arranged for re-interview for a client who had received poor legal advice at the police station. Representation at the police station by Kathryn to advance his account, when he had previously been advised to answer no comment, and pre-charge representations led to no further action being taken on an assault occasioning actual bodily harm allegation. R v G 2023 client was accused of a wounding offence. He was due to move to the United States to live with his American wife and a conviction for violence of this nature would have prevented him from doing so. The Police were looking to proceed with a “victimless” prosecution. By way of pre-charge representations Kathryn was able to persuade the Police that it was not in the interests of justice to proceed with a prosecution. Client is now able to apply for an American visa unhindered. R v M 2023 Magistrates Court representation for client who was pleading guilty to a breach of notification requirements. Sentencing guidelines indicated that he was at risk of custody but Kathryn was able to persuade Court that there was exceptional mitigation and he was made subject to a conditional discharge. R v H 2023 Representation of a youth who had previously been found to be in possession of 1 indecent image of a child. Through representations against charge Kathryn was able to persuade the Police that it was not in the public interest to prosecute. He therefore kept his clean record when applying for university and employment. R v F 2023 Successful pre-charge representation against an allegation of rape. A further interview was arranged with the Police as the client did not feel he had had been able to best communicate his account at the first interview. Kathryn was able to take over all communications with the Police whilst the client was an inpatient at a rehabilitation centre, enabling him to concentrate on his recovery. She was involved in providing the Police with further digital evidence from the client and made full representations as to why there was not a realistic prospect of conviction. No further action was taken against the client. R v H 2023 Representation at pre-charge, magistrates court and subsequent Crown Court sentence. Client had accepted being in possession of a large number of indecent images of children. He had been supported through the pre-charge stage and signposted towards the Safer Lives programme as well as a psychosexual therapist which had provided him with substantial mitigation by the time of his sentence as well as benefiting his wellbeing. Despite sentencing guidelines indicating a likely custodial sentence he was made subject to a community order and we successfully challenged the draconian conditions being sought by the Prosecution. R v K – representation at police station and youth court of vulnerable, autistic 15 year old client facing allegation of murder.


“You have been a true professional throughout offering above and beyond expert advice, I honestly do not wish to seek your professional legal help again however I would not trust anyone other than yourself. You have helped me throughout retain my sanity and lifestyle. I will forever be indebted to you for helping me deal with this horrible situation, You made this awful situation somehow bearable” “I wanted to let you know how very grateful we are to you for all your help and exceptional support during this difficult time. Thank you so much for all your efforts your professionalism and in particular your kindness. Thank you and please thank your team who were so helpful with our initial contact enquiries.” “We instructed Kathryn Lloyd at Olliers to advise on a pre charge matter. Kathryn and her team were exceptional providing a master class in supportive professionalism . Always helpful determined knowledgeable and kind she helped us get through a very difficult period culminating in all charges being dropped.” “I contacted Olliers for pre charge engagement and I was assigned Kathryn Lloyd as my solicitor.She is incredible.Within the first few days she got the police to allow me to live at home with my family as I was previously staying at a bail address. Without Kathryn's intuition, I wouldn't have been able to recall the facts that undermines the case against me. The case is still ongoing but I feel safe in the hands of experienced professionals that truly care about their clients.” “I  sought advice from Olliers regarding a relative’s pre charge situation. Kathryn Lloyd took on the case and within weeks the matter was dropped. Kathryn was everything you might hope for in these circumstances professional available supportive and determined. An all round excellent service.” “I got accused of something and after doing some research chose Olliers Solicitors. I was assigned to a lovely lady called Kathryn Lloyd and from the very first phone call with her she made me feel a lot calmer about the case and kept me up to date with my case she dealt with the police and again updated me. My whole world felt like it was falling apart but Kathryn kept me going. Thanks Kathryn” "The outcome was absolutely the best I could have expected, thanks to your considerable skills and experience. I could not have wished for better representation."


Senior Associate