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Helen Buxton

Olliers, North West

Work Department



Helen Buxton joined Olliers Solicitors in 2008 having arrived from JMW solicitors. As a criminal lawyer, she has over twenty years experience in the field of criminal law, having worked for JMW Solicitors for more than ten years before joining Olliers as part of the crime team.

Helen has gained the knowledge, ability and wealth of experience that others can only aspire to. She has extensive knowledge and experience in representing clients who face the most serious allegations. She has a friendly, personal, sensitive and empathetic manner with clients yet takes a robust and professional approach to their representation.

Helen has extensive experience at every level of the criminal justice system, having represented defendants accused of serious allegations including multi-handed, nationwide conspiracy to supply and import drugs, multiple allegtions of armed robbery, gang related offences, firearms offences, murder and a case involving serious sexual offences with multiple defendants. Most recent cases have included attempted murder, rape and death by dangerous driving.

Pre-Charge Representation

Helen specialises in dealing with defendants at the investigative pre-charge police station stage. Clients praise her for her reassuring, calming and empathetic manner and her ability to explain every stage of the process in a simple, clear and straightforward way.

She has established a loyal client following over many years and can be relied upon to vigorously defend her clients’ interests, regularly attending police stations in the Greater Manchester area and further afield, dealing not only with police officers at all levels but also on numerous occasions with the Serious Organised Crime Agency.

Recent Cases

2024 – Historic sexual offences. No further action taken following police interview as a result of advice given

2024 – Isleworth Crown Court – client acquitted of five counts of sexual assault following lengthy trial

2023 – Murder – No further action following representation at the police station.

2023 – Attempted murder – No further action following representation in interview.

2023 – Rape, sexual assault – No further action following lengthy written representations. 2023 – Assault, Rape and Controlling and Coercive behaviour – NFA following written representations. 2023 – Assault at a football stadium. Following written representations  – community resolution and compensation. Avoided a football banning order. 2023 – Suspicion of indecent images – Caution with no conditions attached following representations submitted at an early stage 2023 – Rape – NFA following representations submitted at an early stage to the police prior to any involvement from the CPS 2022 – Rape – NFA following full account in interview 2022 – Rape – NFA following written representations pre-charge that there was not a realistic prospect of conviction 2022 – Rape – NFA following written representations pre-charge that no realistic prospect of conviction 2021 – Rape – No further action (NFA) following written representations 2021 – Malicious communications – no further action NFA following advice in interview 2021 – Section 47 assault – following representations to the officer post interview – decision to deal with the matter by way of Restorative Justice 2021 – S18 assault/ S47 assault – no further action (NFA) following advice in interview. 2020 – Domestic related harassment NFA. Representations made prior and post interview regarding lack of evidence.    2020 – Murder – no further action – following representation at the police station. 2019 – Arson with intent to endanger life – no further action 2019 – Rape – no further action 2019 – Sexual activity with a child – no further action 2019 – Common assault – no further action on a domestic related incident following full denial put forward in interview 2019 – Cannabis production – no further action following prepared statement given in interview detailing detail of involvement 2019 – Threatening behaviour (section 4 Public Order Act offence) – no further action following detail put forward in prepared statement. 2019 – Stalking – no further action following detailed account provided in initial interview on defence advice. 2018 – Rape and abduction – no further action following robust defence work at the investigative stage. 2018 – Money Laundering – no further action following extensive pre-charge work and representations at the investigative stage. 2018 – Murder – acquittal after trial. 2017 – Young male, arrested for serious domestic related matters 2017 – Serious domestic related assault 2017 – High profile conspiracy/murder case 2017 – Multi handed conspiracy to supply controlled drug 2017 – High profile serious sexual offences involving multiple co-accused 2017 – Rape – acquittal after trial. 2017 – Attempted murder – no further action following advice given at the police station. 2017 – Death by dangerous driving – no further action following representation at the police station stage.

Whether at court or at the police station, Helen can be relied upon to provide a consistently excellent service.


Helen frequently receives extremely positive feedback from clients due to the high level of support she always provides:

“Thanks again for everything Helen you and Alex Zita saved my life finally can start getting on with rebuilding this mess. I’m so grateful you have no idea”

“A very big thank you for everything over the last few months! It has been a very challenging time for my family and without you I am sure we would have been running around like headless chickens.”

“Thank you very much for going out of your way at every step of the process for not only making it as simple as possible, but also keeping us calm throughout. It really means the world to me.”

“I can’t thank you enough for the support you’ve given us over this incredibly difficult period of our lives. Without your emotional and professional support… who knows how things would have ended up – certainly not in this positive place where we’re eager to move on and make the most of our lives.”

“I was very impressed by the support I received from the Olliers team in what was a testing and distressing experience. Their legal and procedural knowledge, experiences as well as proactive approach have led to a swift and effective resolution of my case after an initial police interview. I can only recommend the services of Olliers.”

“I thank from the bottom of my heart all the team at Olliers for their highly professional and continuous support during the toughest time of my life. I would specially like to thank Helen Buxton for her amazing efforts to resolve the case. Thanks again guys !! You are an excellent team.”

“Hi, could I take time to thank Olliers Solicitors (Manchester) and in particular Helen Buxton for everything you did during the most testing experience of my life. I cannot explain the pressure and worry that my family and I went through over the past 18 months, however Olliers and Helen in particular stood by, supported and offered superb advice throughout the time of the ordeal. I was informed of progress constantly and had everything explained regarding my case in a way that I completely understood. I am so grateful that you have helped me get my life back on track, and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Olliers to any person requiring criminal representation. Professional and totally empathetic throughout this testing time, Thank you Helen, you are a credit to Olliers Solicitors.”

“I was very pleased with the result in the circumstances and appreciate this was in no small part to your efforts. I would like to thank you for your kind help, which was at a very difficult time for me. You would make a very good counsellor if you ever wished a change of career!”

“It is never easy being accused of a crime you haven’t committed but Helen Buxton was friendly, knowledgeable and effective enough to make me feel like everything was going to be ok. Would 100% recommend Olliers Manchester to anyone. When I spoke to a friend who works for CPS, they asked me who I had representing me and when I told her it was Olliers, she told me I was lucky as they are the best ones. That should tell you everything you need to know.”

“My son was recently arrested and questioned in regards to a false allegation. Helen Buxton was at the questioning and gave excellent advice and support. The case has not gone to court and what could have been a very worrying time whilst we waited was made less by the support of Helen. We are very grateful to Helen Buxton. We fully recommend this company to any other family requiring legal help.”

“You took the time to treat me like a human being at a time when I felt utterly worthless and I can never express my gratitude. I’m sorry if this email is not an appropriate gesture of appreciation. But I do strongly wish to thank you Helen.”

“We could not have wished for a more supportive and kind person to help us through what was undoubtedly two of the worst years of our lives. You provided a much needed and steady anchor throughout the entire process and we are very grateful that it was you who on call that night.”

“Helen Buxton worked extremely hard  during the time she was looking after me; everything from disputing allegations during interview to backing me up with evidence as well as answering my calls and texts during what can be understood as  a difficult time.

“I’m pretty sure without the help Helen gave me that I would not have  had the successful outcome that I got. Helen, you are a legend and a fantastic, professional efficient lawyer. I can’t thank you enough.”

