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Andrew Normington

Andrew Normington


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Called 2005 (England and Wales) and 2013 (Belfast); Lincoln's Inn; vice chair of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales; contributing author to Emmerson and Ashworth 'Human Rights and Criminal Justice' (Sweet & Maxwell 2007) and to 'Prison Law' by Livingstone, Owen and Macdonald (4th ed, Oxford 2008); co-author with Professor Philippe Sands QC of 'Human Rights, International Justice and the Rule of Law' in 'Globalisation - A Liberal Response' (CentreForum 2007) and 'Towards an International Rule of Law?' in 'Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law: A Liber Amicorum' (OUP 2009).


French (fluent), Irish (basic), Arabic (learning).


Queens’ College, Cambridge (1998 BA Modern Languages, First); University of Westminster (2003 GDL, distinction); Inns of Court School of Law (2004 BVC, outstanding); LSE (2006 Certificate in International Human Rights Law and Practice; 2009 Certificate in Law, War and Human Rights); New York University (LLM International Legal Studies, equivalent distinction).