
Jonathan Cary

Jonathan Cary

RPC, London

Work Department

Commercial disputes


Jonathan is an experienced disputes partner with particular expertise in banking and financial services and complex matters involving fraud and international asset recovery. He also has significant experience (including from secondments at two investment banks prior to joining RPC) in conducting internal and regulatory investigations and related enforcement actions (including from secondments at two investment banks prior to joining RPC).


Work highlights 

Acting for a proposed class representative in proceedings before the Competition Appeals Tribunal against six water companies in relation to their alleged abuses of a dominant position.

Acting for the Federal Republic of Nigeria in its claims against JP Morgan (for breach of the Quincecare duty) and Shell and ENI arising out of the corrupt grant of an oil prospecting licence (OPL 245).

Acting for a listed company in proceedings arising from a regulator seeking to require the production of legally privileged documents.

Advising an asset manager in relation to the recognition and enforcement of a PRC arbitral award in England.


Co-chair - London International Disputes Week (LIDW)

Member - Commercial Litigators’ Forum

Member - London Solicitors Litigation Association

Member - Financial Services Lawyers Association


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