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Russell-Cooke LLP


Janice Gardner

Janice Gardner

Work Department

Personal injury and clinical negligence


Janice is a partner in the personal injury and clinical negligence team.

In her 30 years of practising as a clinical negligence and personal injury solicitor she has seen all manner of negligently acquired injuries and is un-shockable. She has a huge amount of experience to bring to each case because of her experience and technical skills.

She has a varied caseload of both clinical negligence and personal injury cases, but her main area of expertise is in infection, spinal injuries and brain injuries.

She has successfully won many cases at trial and never shies away from those cases at the more difficult end of the spectrum.

As now the most senior lawyer in her team, she focuses her energies on the cases that she thinks she can add most value to, namely those that are technically difficult or very high value. She also enjoys working on cases where she can push the legal boundaries and challenge bad law.


Trained Anthony Gold; qualified 1993; assistant solicitor Anthony Gold specialising in personal injury and clinical negligence 1991-97; assistant solicitor Jones Maidment Wilson specialising exclusively in clinical negligence 1997-99; assistant solicitor at Russell-Cooke (until made partner in 2001) specialising in personal injury and clinical negligence.

Frequent contributor to Lawtel, Clinical Risk and APIL's Focus Magazine.


Law Society, Clinical Negligence Specialist Panel Member Member of APIL and AvMA Back-up Legal Panel member Trustee of the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre (specialising in riding for disabled children) Volunteer and Committee Member of Hemel Hempstead Recreational Ski Group for disabled skiers


Tulketh High School, Preston, Lancashire; Swansea University (BA Hons History 2(1)); York College of Law.


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