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Russell-Cooke LLP


Gareth Roy

Work Department

Charities and social business


Gareth is a senior associate in the charity and social business team and advises a wide range of clients including national and international charities, religious charities and sports clubs.

He provides governance and commercial advice across a wide range of issues including structural reviews, mergers, fundraising, lotteries and regulatory matters involving the Charity Commission.

Gareth combines expert legal and technical knowledge with a pragmatic and user-friendly approach.


Gareth trained at Russell-Cooke and qualified into the charity and social business team in 2015. Prior to that, he managed a team within the operations department of a global toxicology company.


Trustee of the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute Member of the Charity Law Association


Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, BA (Hons) Jurisprudence


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