
Eva Akins

Eva Akins

Russell-Cooke LLP, South East

Work Department



Eva is a partner and Head of Education Law at Russell-Cooke.

She is an expert in cases involving special educational needs and disability (SEND), Equality Act claims, admissions, exclusions, complaints and school governance in the independent and maintained sector.

Identified as a leader in the field, Eva has specialist knowledge in neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD, autism, cerebral palsy, dyslexia and dyspraxia. She has a particular interest in cases involving ‘dual exceptionality’.

It is Eva's personal experience of SEND and exclusion that fuels her passion for this area of law and informs her empathetic style of client care. Eva believes that the problem with trying to fit a ‘square peg’ child into the round hole of an education system is not that the hammering is hard work; rather you risk destroying the peg!

Eva’s role is focused on squaring the circle and making the education system more fit for purpose.  Where school is not appropriate, she secures comprehensive highly individualised education otherwise than at school.


Education Law Association Understanding ADHD in Girls and Women (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2021)


Read Law at The University of Westminster graduating with First Class Honours and completed her legal studies at the College of Law London.


Content supplied by Russell-Cooke LLP