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Jane Gunn

Jane Gunn


Listed as a Global Leader in Who’s Who Mediation and featured in Legal 500 Hall of Fame for 2022, Jane Gunn is a former city solicitor, now a full-time mediator with over 25 years’ experience of mediating commercial cases.

She has mediated hundreds of disputes and is frequently chosen for her extensive mediation experience as well as her ability to handle complex and emotive cases. Jane was accredited as a commercial mediator in 1996 (CEDR).

She is a Mediator Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a CMC registered mediator and an IMI (The International Mediation Institute) Certified International Mediator. She is the immediate Past President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.


1983 – 1988 Solicitor with Taylor Garrett (now Taylor Wessing) central London Career Details

1988 – 1998 Raising children Member of RSA Tomorrow’s Company Inquiry, conducting a major review of the way in which British businesses operate and behave and how this influences competitive position

1998 – 2000 Consultant to CEDR, London based Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution Leading and promoting the Millennium Accord, an international project designed to reduce the impact of millennium problems and disputes for organisations

2004 – 2014 Partner MATA (Mediation and Training Alternatives) Providing Mediation Training and Education internationally

1996 to date Independent Mediator, promoting the concept of Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management through Mediation, Design and Implementation of Conflict Management Systems and Training

Jane is Chair of the Board of Management of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and is a former director and board member of the Civil Mediation Council of England and Wales (CMC). She is a past president of the Professional Speaking Association of the UK and Ireland (PSA UKI). She is also a member of the Advisory Committee to QUADRA in Italy.




Member of The Law Society; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce; Member of the Civil Mediation Council; Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association


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