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Henrietta  Jackson-Stops

Henrietta Jackson-Stops


Henrietta mediates a wide range of civil and commercial disputes alongside her role in running and managing IPOS Mediation.  Henrietta has a particular interest in disputes involving family businesses, trusts and relationships and those with a public law element.  She represents IPOS as a Board Member of The Civil Mediation Council.

Henrietta’s career began as a litigator at Allen & Overy, advising clients in both litigation and international arbitration.  She subsequently gained an LLM in Public International Law before continuing her career at the Government Legal Department advising on matters of public law and judicial review for the Home Office.  Her experience of advising the Government has given her a clear understanding of the powers and duties of public bodies and the pressures which make disputes involving public bodies unique in character.  Henrietta’s experience of public international law, especially in relation to international and investor-state arbitration, gives her particular expertise in this area.

Henrietta accepts instructions from the legal profession and direct from public authorities, companies, organisations and members of the public.


2016-present Full-time mediator and Partner of In Place of Strife, The Mediation Chambers

2012-2016 Lawyer for the Government Legal Department

2011-2012 LLM in Public International Law at King’s College, London

2006-2011 Solicitor in private practice at Allen & Overy LLP

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