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Interview with…

Anomi Wanigasekera, Partner

Anomi Wanigasekera, Partner

What has been your greatest achievement, in a professional and personal capability?

My greatest achievement would be balancing the role of being a mother and a successful lawyer in a country that has set gender roles that are not conducive to the career development of women. More specifically, being able to give off my time and attention to the role of the mother that I play in my family as well as the role of the career woman whilst staying current in the ever evolving society.

What do you do differently from your peers in the industry?

What sets me apart from my peers is patience and professionalism in which I handle both clients and circumstances. In an industry/ profession that is increasingly becoming competitive many professionals are seen going out of their way to secure clients and opportunities, at times resorting to unethical and unprofessional practices. I have always believed in doing the right thing and sending out good, positive vibes out, which has been well rewarded.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to expect the unexpected and stay positive.

Can you give me a practical example of how you helped a client add value to the business?

Unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic situation has affected the global community and has had a drastic impact on the national as well as international trade and economy. Looking ahead to the next 12 months, we all got to work hard and be prepared to assist and support clients in responding to the economic slowdown due to the pandemic situation. We all have to be strong and positive in these difficult times and do everything possible to maintain good relationships with clients.

Within your sector, what do you think will be the biggest challenge for clients over the next 12 months?

I always advice and encourage clients to protect their brands, new designs and inventions by registering with the authorities. As Intellectual Property is an intangible asset which can fetch a high value to product/service as well as the business A subsidiary of Hayleys Group of companies registered their brand names, Designs and Patents in Sr Lanka as well as in foreign jurisdictions and was successful in enforcing their rights in Sri Lanka as well as in other jurisdictions such as India, UK. USA.