News and developments

Employment & Immigration Update January – December 2016

The Employment & Immigration Update Vol. XIV includes the following articles:

  • Implications of the Prohibition Against Labor-Only Contracting and Suspension of Registration of New Applicants for Contractors of Sub-Contractors
  • Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • Single Entry Approach
  • Further Amendments to the 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure
  • Seafarer’s Protection Act
  • Republic Act 10741
  • This issue also contains information on recent Supreme Court decisions, Legal Resources, and Firm Announcements.

    Download the Employment & Immigration Update Vol. XIV.

    The newsletter is published by the firm’s  Employment & Immigration Department as part of its services to its clients. It is intended to provide general information on legal topics current at the time of publication. It does not cover every aspect of those topics and is not intended to provide legal or other advice.