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Stephanie Ambler

Stephanie Ambler

Tompkins Wake, New Zealand

Work Department

Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Relationship Property, Trust Dispute and Family Law




Stephanie specialises in family, matrimonial and trust law, particularly in the areas of relationship property disputes and claims against estates and trusts. Stephanie advises couples on relationship property agreements, both at the commencement of a relationship and on separation. Stephanie’s other practice areas include applications for the appointment of property managers and welfare guardians, parenting orders and agreements, paternity and adoptions, child support and spousal support. 

Stephanie joined Tompkins Wake in 2013 and became a partner in 2014.

Stephanie has acted for and advised:

Green v Green [2016] NZCA 486 (Court of Appeal) Stephanie appeared as junior counsel for Alice Piper, one of the beneficiaries of the Hugh Green Trusts.   The Court of Appeal decision is an  important case on the scope of appellate review and the law on undue influence.

Clayton v Clayton [2016] NZSC 30, [2016] 1 NZLR 590, (2016) 4 NZTR 26-003, [2016] NZFLR 189 (Supreme Court).  Stephanie was the instructing solicitor for Mr Clayton in his appeal to the Supreme Court.  This well known case concerned whether powers within a trust deed could constitute “property” under the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 and a claim under s182 of the Family Proceedings Act 1980 for orders against trust assets.


Committee member of the NZLS Waikato/Bay of Plenty Women in Law Association and a member of the Family Law Section


BA, LLB, University of Auckland