Wynn Williams

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Amanda Douglas

Wynn Williams, New Zealand

Work Department



Amanda leads the firm's employment practice.

As an employment, health and safety and privacy lawyer, she brings a unique and cohesive perspective when advising employers on their legal obligations. Her 20+ years' experience as a lawyer, advising employers across the full spectrum of sectors on their obligations, makes her a trusted advisor to boards, chief executives and senior management.

Amanda advises on all manner of employment related issues including personal grievances, executive exits, misconduct in the workplace, organisational restructures, and performance management, together with key strategic advice and defending claims in relation to employment and health and safety. She also establishes employers with comprehensive documentation (agreements and policies) to ensure compliance. She acts for a range of clients including large organisations, global brands, franchisors, local government, large NGOs and listed companies.

Her pragmatic and forward looking approach leads to excellent outcomes for clients.

Specialist areas of practice

Employment law Health and safety Privacy


Human Resources Institute of New Zealand Canterbury Women's Legal Association New Zealand Contractors' Federation (NZCF) IPENZ Road Transport Association New Zealand (RTANZ) Resource Management Law Association




