
A.B.M. Shamsud Doulah

A.B.M. Shamsud Doulah

Doulah & Doulah, Bangladesh

Work Department

Dispute Resolution


Partner, Leading Dispute Resolution & IP Enforcement


One of the best-known lawyers in Corporate Matters and Commercial Litigation in Bangladesh. Client base includes numerous local and international Clients. His strong reputation in Litigation and Corporate matters keeps him well respected to the international conglomerates and cross border law firms. He has extensive experience in negotiating large scale construction contracts and public procurement agreements. Mr. Doulah is considered as the leading IP enforcement lawyer in the region.

Mr. Doulah was an active member of the Financial Sector Reform Project in Bangladesh which was adopted with a view to ensuring the effective role of the financial sector in the economic development of the country through structural and policy change. He has also worked with Badrud Doulah to draft the Bankruptcy Act, 1997. He is also a consultant to USAID and has participated in various projects for USAID including formation of the Bangladesh Tropical Forest Conservation Fund. Some transactional work highlights are provided below:

Attended a substantial number of arbitrations representing clients like HAM. Saipem, Cargill, Singtel, Gulf Airways. Represented numerous clients like Statoil, Cargill, Sony etc. in commercial litigations especially in enforcements of foreign judgments and arbitral awards. Sucessfully acted in two of the largest anti dumping suits in US courts involving export of catfish and shrimp to USA Acted in the famous for Stevedoring Services of America win over private port at Bay of Bengal dispute before a US Court. Enforced the well known marks concept for Nokia in Bangladesh and granted parallel import the status of "Usage" by way of obtaining a landmark and reported judgment from the High Court of Bangladesh. Sucessfully acted in some of the largest IP enforcement matters such as for Sony against two hundred cunterfeiters, Toshiba against eighty counterfeiters, Casio against thirty counterfeiters, 3M against over twenty counterfeiters and so on. Advised on some of the largest public procurement matters such as river dredging and construction contracts for Jamuna Bridge, Bangabandhu Satellite etc.




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