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Yuris A. Hakim


Mr. Hakim is a graduate from the Faculty of Law of the Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia with Cum Laude predicate. Mr. Hakim has developed an extensive practice in commercial dispute and commercial business transaction. He is the Team Leader who is fully in charge and lead the commercial dispute practice group in HHR Lawyers.

He has been acknowledged by Legal 500 as Recommended Lawyer in Shipping and by Asian Legal Business as Indonesia Rising Stars in 2023. Mr. Hakim’s latest publications are as one of the contributors to the Indonesian Chapter on “Arbitration”, published by Geting the Deal Through, Law Business Research Ltd (2018) and one of the contributors to the Indonesian Chapter on “Enforcement of Foreign Judgement”, Getting the Deal Through (2017).


Member of the Congress of Indonesian Advocates (Kongres Advokat Indonesia – KAI)




Faculty of Law, University of Trisakti, Indonesia
