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Alison Goldney

Alison Goldney

Work Department

Clinical Negligence



Alison specialises in high value and complex clinical negligence claims for individuals who have sustained spinal and brain injuries. She is committed to securing excellent results for her clients and recognises the importance of early access to rehabilitation following a life changing injury.

Alison has significant experience in running spinal cord injury claims. She has particular experience in claims arising from the delayed diagnosis of spinal abscesses, injuries resulting from mismanagement of spinal injury, cauda equina and spinal surgery claims. Alison also has experience of running brain injury cases.

Notable cases:

Alison has recently recovered damages for a 78 year old Claimant who was rendered tetraplegic following negligent spinal surgery.  The damages were awarded by way of annualised payments for care for the rest of his life and a lump sum for the remainder of the damages. The capitalised value of the damages was £3m, based upon the Claimant living for his projected life expectancy. Alison recently acted for a Claimant who was a horse enthusiast rendered an incomplete paraplegic following the delayed diagnosis of a spinal abscess.  Damages of £3m were recovered which assisted the Claimant to return to her main passion in life, riding her horses.  The Claimant has also used the damages to purchase and adapt a property which will enable her to live with her horses on site. Alison recently advised a client in relation to the delayed diagnosis of a spinal abscess, which resulted in her client sustaining paraplegia. Following an admission of liability, Alison secured a significant six figure interim payment enabling her client to move to adapted accommodation and to fund much needed additional care and rehabilitation. The served Schedule of Loss totalled £10m. Alison secured a seven figure settlement for a brain injured client in relation to the delayed diagnosis in A&E of a subdural haematoma following an assault. Alison secured a seven figure settlement for a client following the delayed diagnosis of spinal TB.


Stewarts – Paralegal and trainee solicitor in the Personal Injury department (2002-2007) Irwin Mitchell – Assistant Solicitor neuro-trauma department, specialising in spinal cord injury and brain injury clinical negligence and personal injury claims (2007-2014) Brethertons – Associate Solicitor in spinal injuries team, specialising in clinical negligence and personal injury claims (2014-2017) Stewarts 2018 – Senior Associate in the Clinical Negligence department Alison was made partner at Stewarts in 2021.


Alison is an accredited Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) Senior Litigator and a member of the Multidisciplinary Association for Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (MASCIP).  Alison is a previous committee member of Headway West London and Headway Milton Keynes.


In her spare time Alison enjoys spending time with her daughters and, when time permits, running in the Buckinghamshire countryside. Alison has completed the Edinburgh (2015)  and Bournemouth (2016) marathons. She enjoys reading a variety of books from biographies to crime thrillers.  Alison also enjoys travelling with favourite destinations including Kenya, Australia and Italy.
