Region Area


Hyeong Joo Lim

Hyeong Joo Lim

Yulchon, South Korea

Work Department

Intellectual Property, Trade Secret, IP Risk Management (IP Compliance), Broadcasting/ICT, Healthcare/Life Sciences, Automotive, Environment and Energy, Natural Resources Development, New Industry IP, Internal Investigations (Forensics), Anti-Corruption (The Improper Solicitation and Graft Act), Patent/Utility Model, Design, Trademark, Copyright (Iincluding Computer Program), Unfair Competition, Intellectual Property License/Transaction, Litigation, General Civil Disputes, Administrative Disputes, Criminal


Partner (Head of the New Industry IP Team, Deputy Head of the Internal Investigations Team)


Hyeong Joo Lim graduated from Seoul National University, College of Engineering, and passed the 45th Korean bar examination in 2003. Mr. Lim graduated from the Judicial Research and Training Institute at the Korean Supreme Court in 2006, served as a government attorney, and joined Yulchon in 2009 and is currently a partner in Yulchon’s Intellectual Property Group.

Mr. Lim also serves as the head of the New Industry IP Team that has been recently launched in Yulchon’s Intellectual Property Group. Mr. Lim performs advisory tasks and litigation based on expertise in legal issues in new technology areas such as information and communication, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, and self-driving, and as the deputy head of the Internal Investigation Team, Mr. Lim performs forensic and internal investigation tasks.

Mr. Lim is licensed to practice as a lawyer and patent attorney in Korea, and has performed traditional litigation and advisory tasks relating to intellectual property (including patents, designs, trademarks, copyrights and acts of unfair competition). In particular, Mr. Lim has extensive experience in trade secret tasks (including civil and criminal cases involving trade secret infringement, preliminary injunction cases for prohibition of changing jobs, trade secret compliance, and fair trade cases relating to technology misappropriation), internal investigation tasks (forensic analysis, interviews, etc.), claims for compensation for employee inventions and establishment of corporate internal systems.

In addition, Mr. Lim has handled various unfair competition cases including those relating to the newly added provisions of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act and other various cases requiring engineering knowledge such as disputes over product liability/license agreements. With such extensive work experience and positive client feedback, Mr. Lim was able to be the first Yulchon attorney who was selected as one of 40 recommended lawyers under age 40 in Asia by the Asian Legal Business in 2017, and won official commendation from the Minister of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in 2019. In 2020, Mr. Lim was voted as the “Best IP Lawyer” by in-house counsel in a survey conducted by Korea’s Law Times.

2009-present Yulchon LLC (Head of the New Industry IP Team; Deputy Head of the Internal Investigation Team) 2019-present Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board 2018-present Expert Advisor, Industrial Technology Protection Committee of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2021 Member, Intellectual Property Council for New Technology Environment, Korea Copyright Commission 2021 Member, Committee for Improvement of Legislative System for AI Industry, National Information Society Agency 2021 Member, Technology Protection Division of Committee for Improvement of Trade Secret Protection System, Korea Intellectual Property Office


2009 Korean Patent Bar 2006 Korean Bar Association


2006  Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of Korea 2002  Seoul National University, College of Civil, Urban & Geo-system Engineering, B.E.
