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Young Su Shin

Young Su Shin

Yulchon, South Korea

Work Department





2019-present  Head of Corporate & Finance Practice, Yulchon LLC 2011-2018  Partner, Yulchon LLC 2023-present  Member, Advisory Committee for Financial Supervision 2023-present  Member, 11th Council for Prevention of Insurance Dispute 2021-present  Member, KOSDAQ Listing Review Committee, Korea Exchange 2020-present  Member, Consumer Rights Protection Committee of NH Property and Casualty Insurance 2017-present  Advisory Member, Insurance Crime Prevention Study Forum 2015-present  Member, Steering Committee of Korea Taxi Mutual Aid Association 2015-present  Member, Insurance Dispute Prevention Council of Korea Life Insurance Association/General Insurance Association of Korea 2018-2021  Member, KOSDAQ Disclosure Committee, Korea Exchange 2017-2021  Member, Financial Disputes Mediation Committee 2023-present  Vice-Chairman, Korea Securities Law Association 2020-present  Vice-Chairman, Korea Business Law Association 2020-present  Director, Korean Academy of Financial Consumers 2019-present  Director, Korea Trust Association 2018-2022  Director, Korea Financial Law Association 2015-present  Director, Korean Insurance Law Association 2006-2011  Partner, Yoon & Yang LLC (formerly Yoon Yang Kim Shin & Yu) 2003-2005  Associate, Yoon & Yang LLC 1997-2003  Associate, Yoon & Partners


2019  Financial CEO Course of Korea Financial Research Institute 2015  Insurance CEO Academy Program of Korea Insurance Research Institute 2009  Special Program of Low Carbon and Green Growth of National Strategy Institute 2004  Visiting Scholar, University of Washington School of Law 1997  Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of Korea 1993  Yonsei University College of Law, LL.B.
