Mr Shuaijie LU > HHP Attorneys-At-Law > Shanghai, China > Lawyer Profile

HHP Attorneys-At-Law
Room 2208, Corporate Avenue 5
150 Hubin Road, Huangpu District
Shanghai 200120
Shuaijie LU photo

Work Department

Data protection, M&A


  • Joined HHP in 2015
  • Specializes in data compliance, M&A and restructuring, and financial services
  • Significant experience providing legal services to both foreign and domestic clients in various sectors mainly covering equipment manufacturing, chemical, food and catering, cosmetics, international trade, medical care and pharmaceuticals, real estate, engineering, banking, privately offered funds, financial lease, football and sports etc.


English, Mandarin


Active member of Data protection PG and Emerging leader of Meritas Law Firms Worldwide


Nanjing University, LL.B

Lawyer Rankings

China > Data protection: PRC firms

(Leading associates)

Shuaijie Lu – HHP Attorneys-At-Law

HHP Attorneys-At-Law works across the cybersecurity space to aid its clients in numerous sectors such as consumer goods and services, industrial manufacturing, automotive, healthcare, and banking. The team provides assistance on risk assessments, gives opinions on cybersecurity and personal information protection, and provides due diligence on cybersecurity and data protection in M&A projects. Yao Rao heads up the practice taking the lead on data protection issues including within the context of M&A transactions. Associates Shuaijie Lu and Shihao Xiao are also noted.