
Benedikt Rohrßen

Benedikt Rohrßen

Work Department

Commercial Agreements & Distribution, Product Compliance, Distribution-related Competition law & eCommerce


Partner & Head of Commercial Agreements  & Distributions 

Benedikt Rohrßen leads the practice area Commercial Agreements & Distribution. He counsels clients on entering new markets and on the strategic (re)structuring of their distribution systems, as well as any connected competition law challenges, also in day-to-day operations (pricing specifications, territory and customer restrictions, non-competes, etc.). He has a particular penchant for digital distribution and distribution related competition law.

In addition, he and his team advise national and international companies throughout the supply chain - from product compliance, market launch and distribution to product recall, always with the aim of avoiding product liability in the first place.

Benedikt also serves on the editorial advisory board of the Zeitschrift für Vertriebsrecht (Journal of Distribution Law), as a lecturer on trade, distribution and distribution competition law at the Munich Business School and at the Deutsches Franchise Institut (German Franchise Institute). Numerous publications, lectures and webinars attest to his proven expertise in franchise, distribution and competition law, in English most recently for example, "VBER 2022: EU Competition Law for Vertical Agreements" (Springer).


Since 2022 Head of Commercial Agreements & Distributions Since 2021 Partner, Taylor Wessing Since 2016 Lecturer, Commercial Law (Handels– und Vertriebs– sowie Vertriebskartellrecht), Munich Business School


German, English, Italien, Spanish, French


Editorial board of ZVertriebsR (magazine for distribution law) AIJA (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats / International Association of Young Lawyers), Brussels – President of the T.R.A.D.E. Commission (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-Commerce) Italian Chamber of Commerce Munich–Stuttgart e.V. (Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca e.V.) International Distribution Institute (IDI), Turin IBA, International Franchising Committee


2009 Doctoral degree, doctor iuris 2003 – 2007 Work as assistant, inter alia, chair in civil law, civil procedure, conflict of laws and comparative law 1998 – 2004 Legal studies, universities of Münster and Rom


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