
Xianglin CHEN




Mr. Chen focuses his practice on international commercial arbitration, domesticforeign-related arbitration and cross-border commercial dispute resolution. He hassignificant experience in assisting foreign clients and multinational companies toresolve China-related commercial disputes, as well as in assisting domestic large-scaleenterprises to deal with overseas commercial disputes. He has expertise in resolvingjoint-venture disputes, financial disputes, real estate and construction disputes, productliability disputes, and in handling public crisis management, etc.Prior to joining Han Kun, Mr. Chen worked for a decade, beginning in 2006, with King& Wood Mallesons’ Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice Group. Mr. Chenhas represented domestic and foreign clients at the China International Economic andTrade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) andShanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC). He has also represented Chineseclients before the Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC), Hong KongInternational Arbitration Center (HKIAC) and American Arbitration Association(AAA).Mr. Chen has represented domestic and foreign clients in the second instance and retrialproceedings before the Supreme People's Court. He has also advised on dozens ofsecond instance cases before Beijing High Court, High Court of Liaoning Province,High Court of Zhejiang Province and High Court of Shandong Province. In addition,Mr. Chen has also represented a large number of multinational enterprises and largescale state-owned enterprises to participate in litigations initiated before theintermediate courts and basic courts (including detached tribunals) in Beijing,Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Hohhot, Bayannaoer, Jinan, Dezhou, Jining, Xian,Xianyang, Hangzhou and Changzhou.Mr. Chen has been invited by Peking University Law School to lecture on internationalcommercial arbitration to graduate students majoring in dispute resolution. He hasalso been invited by a number of multinational companies and domestic large-scaleenterprises to give trainings and lectures on dispute resolution. A number of his booksand articles have been published.


Chinese (native) and English (fluent)


Member of the PRC BarMember of the New York State Bar


Mr. Chen received a bachelor’s degree in law from South China University ofTechnology in 2001. He graduated from Peking University with a Master of Lawdegree in 2006, and later graduated from Harvard Law School in 2017 with an LL.M.Degree.


Content supplied by Han Kun Law Offices