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Tanya Tang

Tanya Tang

Work Department

Competition & Antitrust and Trade


Partner (Chief Economic and Policy Advisor), Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP


Tanya Tang joined Rajah & Tann’s Competition and TMT practice as its Chief Economic and Policy Advisor, giving the practice the unique capability of providing fully integrated legal and economic advice to clients.

Tanya has been recognised as a leading competition economist in the international Who’s Who Legal Competition: Economists and Who’s Who Legal Consulting Experts: Experts – Economics – Competition Economists and as a leading trade consultant in the Who’s Who Legal Trade & Customs – Economists & Anti-Dumping Consultants.

Tanya has extensive competition and regulatory experience, having worked in the policy and competition team at the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (“IDA“), as well as the Competition Commission of Singapore (“CCS“), now known as the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (“CCCS“). At IDA, Tanya’s key responsibilities included implementing the Telecom and Postal Competition Codes, such as assessing M&A applications and investigating alleged anti-competitive practices.  She also led key policy and regulatory reviews, such as reviews of the Telecom Competition Code and guidelines, as well as the Quality of Service frameworks for telecom services.  At CCS, Tanya was responsible for conducting economic analysis for investigation of competition cases. Her experience includes assessing complex mergers (including conducting two Phase 2 merger reviews) and leading cases involving abuse of dominance. Tanya has also participated in dawn raids to gather information for CCS’ investigations.


Member, Phi Beta Kappa Society (honour society for the liberal arts and sciences) Secretary, Asia Pacific Carriers’ Coalition (APCC)


MA (Economics for Competition Law), King’s College London Post-Graduate Diploma (Economics for Competition Law), King’s College London MA (International Policy Studies), Stanford University BA (Economics), University of Chicago


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