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Ling Chun Wai

Ling Chun Wai


CW received his legal education in England, having obtained an LLM degree (First Class) from the University of Cambridge before serving pupillage in Hong Kong. Called to the English and Hong Kong Bar in 1996, he has been a member of Des Voeux Chambers since 1999. He completed a Diploma in EU Competition Law at King’s College London in 2018.

As a barrister, CW’s practice encompasses a broad range of civil and commercial matters including banking, insurance, insolvency, land, securities, companies, trusts, administrative law, disciplinary inquiries and professional negligence. A versatile practitioner, he appears regularly in all levels of courts and other tribunals. He has recently advised several Hong Kong and PRC companies in dealing with requisitions in connection with their bids to obtain listing status on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

CW is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is registered on the list of arbitrators and the Panel of IP Arbitrators at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. He has appeared as counsel in arbitration as well as sitting as a sole arbitrator and a member of a tribunal. He acts regularly for listed companies, financial institutions and governmental bodies. As an accredited mediator (HKMAAL), he also regularly acts as a mediator in commercial and IP cases.


English, Cantonese, Putonghua


Chairman, Mediation Committee, Hong Kong Bar Association (2022-now) Member of the Panel of Arbitrators for the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (2022) Deputy Judge of the District Court, HKSAR (Feb 2022) Member, ICC-HK Nominations Commission (2022-) Chairman, Appeal Tribunal Panel, under Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) (2021-) Member of the Board of Revenue (Inland Revenue Ordinance) from 1 January 2021 HKIAC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Panel from December 2020 Chairperson, Hong Kong Mediation Council, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) (2019-2020) Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2008-) Deputy Judge of the District Court, HKSAR (Dec 2015) Vice-chairperson, Mediation Committee, Hong Kong Bar Association (2018-) Vice-chairperson, Committee on Intellectual Property, Hong Kong Bar Association (2020-2021) Member, Standing Committee on Overseas Admissions, Hong Kong Bar Association (2015-) Member, Standing Committee on Discipline, Hong Kong Bar Association (2016-)


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