
Arthur Koumoukelis

Arthur Koumoukelis

Thomson Geer, Australia

Work Department

Aged Care and Retirement Living




Arthur has specialised in the aged care and retirement village industry since 1995, and joined Thomson Geer as a partner in April 2018.

Arthur holds degrees in both accounting and law. This background in corporate and tax allows him to advise on all aspects of the structuring, acquisition, disposal, development and operation of aged care, assisted living and independent living retirement living environments. He also provides assistance to approved providers and operators of seniors living facilities in relation to any litigious issues, disputes and administrative actions.  In addition, Arthur is a key adviser to the major banks lending to the industry. Working with financial institutions, he has helped develop funding products for consumers and operators to fund aged care, assisted living and independent living seniors environments.

Although the focus of Arthur's practice is on the aged care and retirement living sector, he also has experience across a range of practice areas including charitable, not for profit organisations, corporate, litigation, dispute resolution, taxation and franchising.

The aged care and seniors living sector is dominated by not for profit and charitable organisations. Arthur has developed extensive expertise advising these organisations on the financing, governance, tax implications and corporate issues that play a significant role in this industry. Arthur has experience sitting as a Director on the board of some not for profit organisations.

Arthur is seen as a thought leader in the broader Asian region in the aged care and seniors living sector, and has advised on the development of facilities in Singapore and Malaysia. He regularly provides advice to leading industry bodies such as Aged & Community Services Australia and Leading Age Services Australia. He also is regularly invited to speak at leading industry conferences both in Australia, and throughout the Asian region.


Member, Society of Notary Publics Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors Member of the Property Council NSW Retirement Living Committee Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia


Bachelor of Laws (UNSW) Master of Laws (Syd) Bachelor of Commerce (UNSW) Grad Dip Estates and Wills - College of Law Public Notary GAICD

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