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Simone Caddedu

Simone Caddedu

Work Department

Regulatory and Administrative




Simone has a strong reputation for providing expert advice on regulatory, antitrust and public procurement issues. Simone is partner and head of Bird & Bird Italian regulatory and administrative (public law) department.

His practice focuses on EU and Italian administrative regulation, with a strong emphasis on dispute resolution before administrative courts and authorities (he is admitted to practice before Superior Courts – Cassazionista). Simone also has considerable experience in competition law issues involving regulated markets and has developed a significant track record in export controls/trade and customs.

Drawing on his understanding of regulatory and antitrust issues and expertise in public procurement, Simone extensively advises international companies in the life science, infrastructure and concessions, energy, electronic communications, aviation and state aid sectors.

In the energy sector, Simone has assisted and represented, both nationally and locally, companies dealing with projects developing plants for the production of energy from photovoltaic, wind and biomass sources. He has also significant experience in advising natural gas, electricity and water utilities on issues concerning public work contracts and the award of municipal concessions; compliance with regulatory requirements of contracts, commercial offers and advertising; cross-border transmission capacity; charges for nuclear waste management; abuse of dominant position and unfair commercial practices.

Simone received a LL.M. from the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington D.C., U.S.A. and a Ph.D. in administrative law from the University of Rome La Sapienza. He has also contributed to several books and articles on administrative regulation, public procurement and EC organisation, including most recently, Public Procurement in the Utilities Sector, M. Clarich (ed) and Commentary to the Italian Public Procurement Code, Florence, 2019.

Before joining Bird & Bird, Simone worked at Libertini & Associati, where he became partner in 2007.


Italian, English, French


Education Georgetown University Law Center, LL.M, regulation/antitrust Sapienza Università di Roma, Ph.D, Administrative Law Sapienza Università di Roma, JD, Administrative Law

Admissions Italy Bar, 2000 Italian Higher Courts in 2012


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