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Stefano Febbi

Stefano Febbi

Work Department

Finance and Financial Services




Stefano is a partner in Bird & Bird Finance & Financial Regulation Group based in Milan and co-head of Bird & Bird International Financial Services Group.

Since joining Bird & Bird in 2003, when Bird & Bird Italian offices opened, his focus has been on banking, financial services including payments services, and insurance regulation, advising prestigious financial institutions on their core business and regulatory compliance.

His work includes drafting agreements and related documents for banking, financial and insurance products and services; advising clients on regulatory issues (including payments regulation), including disputes with regulatory authorities, and drafting essential operational agreements for financial institutions and insurance companies, such as distribution agreements, outsourcing agreements and tied agent agreements.

Working with his team in Milan, they also support banks, insurance companies, payments companies and other financial intermediaries in defining and drafting internal procedures and manuals, and preparing offer documentation, such as prospectuses, for issuing financial securities and soliciting public savings.

He has advised several major clients on measures to comply with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), the Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive (UCITS Directive), the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), as well as the Consumer Credit and Transparency Directives. He also specialises in anti-money laundering legislation.


Italian, English, French


Education Università degli Studi di Milano, Degree in Law

Admissions Italy Bar, 2002


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