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AnJie Broad Law Firm


Ping Gao

Ping Gao




Gao Ping has 30 years of legal experience and is a founding partner of AnJie Broad Law Firm, an arbitrator of various arbitration institutions including the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), and a former expert judge of an intermediate court in Beijing for commercial trials.

Gao specialises in dispute resolution of major and difficult commercial cases and has served clients including state-owned enterprises, financial institutions, and multinational companies. With her deep experience in judicial practice, Gao excels in analysing the risks of cases and predicting the development of cases objectively, so as to provide clients with effective dispute resolution schemes.

In addition to being named to China’s Elite 100 Lawyers (PRC Firms) of The A-List by China Business Law Journal, Gao has also been named a leading lawyer in the field of dispute resolution by LEGALBAND, Legal 500, ALB, Benchmark Litigation and others.


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