
Fitz U. Dy

Fitz U. Dy

Mosveldtt Law, Philippines




Trial advocacy is Mr. Dy’s key asset. He brings years of experience as the “go-to” litigation lawyer of some of the country’s top private and public corporations. He has argued – and won – before the Philippine Supreme Court En Banc on matters involving national interest.

Mr. Dy is in the forefront of some of the country’s most interesting and complex arbitral disputes involving highly technical industries. He has represented parties in both international and domestic arbitral institutions. Recently, he headed a team that successfully defended against an interim relief application involving one of the country’s major transportation operators.

His experience includes handling civil, commercial, labor, and criminal cases, among others. He has handled commercial and construction arbitration, mass tort actions, ejectment cases, declaratory relief, corporate rehabilitation, insolvency and liquidation, injunction cases, intra-corporate controversies, illegal termination cases, violation of Trust Receipts Law, and complex white-collar prosecutions. He has also handled negotiations for commercial contracts in connection with settlement of disputes.

He is heavily involved in copyright and trademark prosecution, litigation, and enforcement, as well as the commercialization and licensing of intellectual property

He is a faculty member of Ateneo Law School.

Mr. Dy is fluent in four languages – English, Filipino, Fuk Kien and Cebuano.

Content supplied by Mosveldtt Law