News and developments

The Laundromat Saga: The Fca And Money Laundering Risks

With banks being investigated over alleged Russian money

laundering, Aziz Rahman examines the precautions financial professionals must


The news that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has

contacted up to 17 banks in relation to a Russian money laundering scheme

dubbed “the Laundromat” will leave many in finance with questions to answer.

FCA investigators are studying information provided by The

Guardian, which revealed UK-based banks had processed nearly 2,000 transactions,

amounting to $740m, for companies set up as part of the Laundromat scheme. HSBC

was the largest conduit for the payments - handling $545M - a revelation that

comes barely six months after its chief legal officer stated that the way banks

prevent financial crime is outdated.

Arguably, the first question that the FCA will want answered

is who was involved in processing hundreds of millions of pounds of payments

between 2010 and 2014. The second must

be how they did it.

The revelations about the banks must be seen as a major sign

that all is not well with the financial institutions when it comes to money

laundering. And if such major financial organisations are getting it wrong, the

chances are that many others who work in finance are also running the same


The UK’s maximum sentence for money laundering is 14 years. In

recent years, the FCA has made money laundering a high priority. For those two

reasons alone, those working in finance must know how to stop, or at least

identify and report, money laundering.

Criminal Proceeds

Money laundering involves the movement of money, or the use

of it in transactions, so that it can no longer be recognised as the proceeds

of crime.

A person can launder their own criminal proceeds or someone

can do it for them: both are offences under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002


Section 327 of POCA makes it illegal to hide, disguise,

convert, transfer or remove criminal property from the jurisdiction, while

Section 328 makes it illegal to enter into, or become concerned with, an

arrangement to obtain, retain or use the proceeds of crime. Section 329

prohibits the possession of criminal property.

Sections 330 to 332 of POCA make it an offence to fail to

disclose knowledge or suspicion of money laundering in the regulated sector.

The regulated sector is the businesses and sole traders covered by the Money

Laundering Regulations 2007: including those who exchange currency, send and

accepts large amounts of money, cash cheques and provide tax and financial


The case of Da Silva (2006) defined suspicion in money

laundering as “a possibility, which is more than fanciful, that the relevant

facts exist’’. That issue of suspicion

(or lack of it) may leave the 17 banks facing awkward questioning from the FCA.


To convince the authorities of your innocence regarding money

laundering accusations, you have to be able to demonstrate that you had a

genuine commitment to preventing it. This means carrying out a number of

activities and being alert to signs of possible laundering.

If you are handling someone’s money or other assets, you must

check the background of them and their trading partners.

There has to be suspicion if someone in a transaction is

unclear about, or reluctant to disclose, the exact amounts of money or all the

people involved. Proof of identity, funding sources and the beneficiaries of a

deal all have to be established, otherwise the authorities will view this as an

inadequate attempt to prevent laundering.

You need to ask why your company has been asked to be

involved; especially if the people proposing the deal are not known to you.

Does the deal appear a logical one for all parties to make? And if not, why


If unusual conditions are attached to a deal, if someone is

insisting on a cash-only transaction or the movement of money in the deal seems

unnecessarily complex, you have to be concerned – and act on your concerns.


The outlook is much better for you if it is you that

uncovers and reports the suspected money laundering rather than a third party

or an investigating authority.

All companies have to have in place clear procedures for

staff to report any suspicions about a deal they are being asked to be involved

in. Any firm covered by the Regulations must have a nominated officer that

staff can report their knowledge or suspicion of money laundering to.

Equally importantly, these procedures have to be enforced

and any reports acted upon: introducing them as a box ticking exercise will be

of little value if money laundering is them discovered and the authorities come


Any company investigated will have to show that all

financial records are kept up to date and filed correctly and that risk

assessments have been carried out to assess vulnerability to money laundering –

and that their findings have been acted on. In addition, staff must be trained in,

and aware of, the legal obligations to identify and report possible money laundering.


The obligation is clearly now on those working in finance

when it comes to money laundering prevention. If they do not know how to

proceed, they must seek legal advice.

The Joint Money Laundering Initiative Taskforce (JMLIT),

which started in 2015, was developed between the UK government, the British

Bankers Association, law enforcement agencies and more than 20 UK and

international banks. Its intention was to understand, assess and then disrupt

the ways financial systems could be used for money laundering, as well as

bribery and terrorist financing.

JMLIT not only puts the focus on prevention of money

laundering. It has led to the identification, investigation and closure of bank

accounts suspected of being involved in money laundering.

The Taskforce has given those working in finance some input

regarding the issue of tackling money laundering. It has also emphasised the

links between money laundering and other crimes; such as bribery and terrorist


For those who work in the regulated sector to then fail to

meet their responsibilities to prevent money laundering is dangerous to them

from a financial, criminal and reputational perspective.

Content supplied by Rahman Ravelli