Region Area


Tae Il Kwon

Kwon & Co, South Korea

Work Department

Shipping, Marine Insurance




Tae Il Kwon is renowned internationally for his wide experience and exceptional understanding in charterparty disputes and rehabilitation/bankruptcy proceedings in particular. Mr Kwon has been actively involved in rehabilitation of shipping giants in Korea, Korea Line, STX Pan Ocean and Hanjin Shipping, acting for over hundred rehabilitation creditors inclusive of numerous international shipowners such as Yang Ming Marine Transport and Mercator Line by the instruction of IG P&I Clubs including Gard, Steamship Mutual, North of England, Britannia, the Swedish Club, Standard Club, London P&I, West of England and Skuld, and prominent English shipping law firms such as HFW, Reed Smith, Norton Rose Fulbright, MFB and Mays Brown Solicitors.


Korean Bar Association


Tae Il Kwon received his LLM Maritime Law degree(with Merits) in December 2017 at the University of Southampton, UK, broadening his knowledge in English maritime law and English marine insurance law to build up his expertise, and providing guidance to the associates to promote and develop the performance quality of the team.

Tae Il Kwon had graduated from the department of Economics in Seoul National University in 1992.
