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Sonny Payne

Sonny Payne

GPS Legal LLP, Hong Kong

Work Department

Disputes, Construction, Litigation and Arbitration




Sonny is a disputes lawyer with a focus on commercial litigation and international arbitration. He has extensive experience in managing complex cases involving financial instruments and fraud in the Hong Kong courts, as well as representing clients (including as an advocate) before arbitral tribunals in a wide range of commercial disputes. Given his prior experience as a chartered civil engineer, he is particularly adept at handling disputes arising out of building and engineering projects.

In addition, and often prior to or in parallel with litigation or arbitration, he advises and guides clients through alternative forms of dispute resolution, including negotiation and mediation which he teaches as a part-time university lecturer.

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English, Mandarin


Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council (UK) Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers


Bachelor of Engineering with Honours, Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham Master of Laws with Merit, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London Postgraduate Certificate in Laws, City University of Hong Kong

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