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Stephen Oxley

Wilsons, South West

Work Department

Employment and Education


Stephen trained at Withers in London before joining Wilsons in 1985 and was its managing partner from 1993 to 2000. He was the firm's senior partner from 2007 to 2013.


He is a member of the Institute of Directors, the Employment Lawyers Association, the Education Law Association and the Army & Navy Club.


Stephen is a partner in the employment team and is the firm's Business Development Director. He is a former senior partner and managing partner of the firm and currently is also the principal point of contact for the schools team. Stephen acts for a wide range of employer clients from financial services businesses in the City to schools in the public and private sectors. He frequently advises individual senior executives and managers on joining and severance packages. Stephen is an experienced non-executive director, charity trustee and school governor. He was a trustee and former Chairman of the military charity, Help for Heroes. He is currently the Chairman of Odstock Private Care and a director of Salisbury BID Limited.