Dispute resolution • West Midlands

Gowling WLG

Andrew Smith
Gowling WLG, London
- Phone +44 (0)370 733 0643
- Email[email protected]
Andrew Smith's 25 years as a litigator have taught him that what clients generally want and therefore what he provides is:
A balance between the best result, for the minimum cost, whilst protecting the reputation of our client. Only by seeing these three issues holistically does a firm add value in its services. Too often with law firms the merits take precedence without sufficient cognisance of the costs incurred. The constantly shifting balance between the above three principles are at the heart of the advice Andrew gives in disputes. Understanding that trials are generally a sign of failure by one or both parties. Clients would rather retain control over the dispute, however unpalatable, than have an external force (the judge/arbitrator) decide on a win/lose basis. An advantageous settlement is most often the goal. There are always exceptions of course and in particular 'bet the company' issues and where it is important to send a warning message to a wider audience. Recognition that legal cost is usually an important element in resolving a dispute. Each pound, dollar or euro expended on the dispute is worth more to the client than each pound, dollar or euro being fought over. One is actual, the other prospective.Over the years Andrew has dealt with many cases of a hugely varied nature. The areas of legal expertise borne out of this varied case load include:
Contract termination Economic torts Legal professional privilege Misfeasance Guarantees/indemnitiesThe industry sectors in which he has done a great deal of work include automotive; food and drink; pharma; property development; telecoms and heavy industry.
Content supplied by Gowling WLG