Campbell Johnston Clark

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Region Area


Allen Marks

Work Department

Shipping litigation.


Qualified 2002; Radcliff Le-Brasseur 2000-2002; Clyde & Co 2002-2005; Mills & Co 2005-11, Campbell Johnston Clark 2011 to date.


Law Society, Nautical Institute.


Allen is responsible for Campbell Johnston Clark Newcastle which opened in 2011, shortly after the firm was established. He has a wide ranging litigation practice covering all aspects of maritime litigation. Allen is highly regarded in the market for his practical and commercial approach to the law with a very broad base of local and international clients. These include ship owners, charterers, ship managers and ship operators, as well as the IG Group P&I insurers, fixed premium insurers and private clients. Allen has been described in the market as having ‘commercial savvy’ and is known for achieving results for his clients.


University of Dundee (Hons) Law.