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Linda Pope

Linda Pope

Work Department





Linda is an experienced family law solicitor, and advises people involved in all kinds of family disputes including divorce, civil partnership dissolution and separation after living together as cohabitees.

Linda has a strong background in helping clients negotiating complex financial agreements, both before and after a marriage or civil partnership.

She also advises parents and extended family members involved in disagreements about where children should live and how much time they spend with each family member.

Linda offers sensitive advice and compassionate support to vulnerable clients who may be escaping from abusive and violent relationships.

The types of cases that usually involved in include:

advising and representing for divorcing couples or civil partners who cannot reach an agreement over financial separation including complex cases where there is a non-matrimonial property or inherited wealth; negotiating financial settlements that include pension splitting or earmarking arrangements especially where there is a police or public sector pension; financial settlements for high net worth individuals including applications for spousal maintenance and variations to have spousal maintenance increased or decreased; Trusts of Land Applications in relation to the sale or postponement of sale of the family home of a non-married couple after a relationship breaks down; advising and representing parents in private children law disputes about residence, contact, or specific issues such as medical treatment or education; helping couples to negotiate and record how they wish their finances are to be divided, in the event that their relationship ends, by way of a prenuptial, postnuptial, pre-civil partnership or post-civil partnership agreement; applications by a parent on behalf of a child for maintenance payments, a lump sum or transfer or settlement of property; and representing victims of domestic abuse in applications for family law injunctions or enforcement orders to protect themselves and their children from further harm.

Linda has not only acted on behalf of clients in the UK, but also those who live or have assets in France, North America, South East Asia, the UAE, Iraq, Iran and the Caribbean.

She has also secured maintenance payments from former partners who have left the UK and settled in Europe and also as far away as Australia, Dubai, UAE, La Reunion, and China.

She also has experience in family inheritance disputes. Linda helps clients to claim their rightful inheritance where they were left out of a will or not provided for under the intestacy laws by a deceased relative upon whom they depended financially.




Member of Resolution


Private client • London
