
Ravi Francis

Work Department

Private Wealth


The majority of Ravi’s practice is for international clients. His clients are normally professional fiduciaries, wealthy individuals and their advisers. Ravi advises on a broad range of subjects which tend to centre around UK tax law and the law governing trusts and other wealth-holding structures. His most common areas of advice include

Supporting individuals, businesses and fiduciaries on the UK taxation and structuring of crypto assets as well as succession and estate planning considerations surrounding digital assets. tax planning for clients who are moving to or leaving the UK, to minimise both UK and foreign taxes; determining an individual’s UK tax residence and domicile status under UK law and the impact this has for UK tax purposes; using offshore trusts, foundations and companies to hold personal wealth and business assets; establishment, administration and taxation of UK investment companies; advising on UK succession laws and how conflicts with foreign succession laws can be resolved; and the application of double taxation agreements to an individual’s affairs.