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Yujin Kim McNamara

Akin, London

Work Department

Partner; International Trade


Yujin advises U.S. and foreign clients in trade litigation before U.S. agencies and international organizations.  She has significant experience representing foreign companies in trade remedy proceedings before the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. International Trade Commission, the U.S. Court of International Trade, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  Yujin also advises governments and companies on U.S. and international trade policy issues, and has represented several governments before the World Trade Organization on trade remedy and other issues.

To learn more about Ms. McNamara, please visit her full profile here:


J.D., American University, Washington College of Law, cum laude (2011)

M.A. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (2003)

B.A. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (2001)