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William Jeffress

William Jeffress

Baker Botts L.L.P., United States

Work Department



Senior Counsel


Has tried 36 complex criminal and civil cases to juries in eleven states, plus dozens of nonjury trials before judges and administrative tribunals. Matters include fraud, securities, price-fixing, federal procurement, international transactions, export controls, Alien Tort Statute, newsgathering, public corruption, money laundering, professional liability and others. Appears regularly before Justice Department, Treasury Department, State Department, S.E.C. and other agencies in high-stakes matters.

Editor in Chief of Yale Law Journal, law clerk to District Judge Gerhard Gesell and Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, fellow of American College of Trial Lawyers, and former member of ABA Ethics Committee.


District of Columbia Bar

U.S. Courts of Appeals for Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and District of Columbia Circuits

U.S. District Courts for the Northern District of Texas, the Eastern District of Michigan and the District of Columbia

United States Supreme Court

American Bar Association, Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, 1996 - 2002; Committee on Standards of Criminal Justice, Chair, 1993 - 1996

American College of Trial Lawyers, Fellow


LL.B., Yale Law School 1970

Editor in Chief, Yale Law Journal

B.A., economics, Washington and Lee University 1967 summa cum laude

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