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Christopher  Rillo

Christopher Rillo

Baker Botts L.L.P., United States

Work Department




Practice Group Chair - ERISA Litigation (Firmwide)


Christopher J. Rillo has more than 30 years of experience as a litigator, focusing on ERISA litigation and class action defense. His experience encompasses almost all areas of benefits litigation practice, including benefit issues involving ESOPs, plan fee litigation, retiree health litigation and other defined benefit plan litigation.

Mr. Rillo began as a labor and employment lawyer and transitioned to focus on ERISA litigation as that practice area evolved. He has represented clients in several 401(k) fee class actions, including claims involving the country's largest defined contribution plan. His experience also includes class actions involving company stock and conversion of defined benefits plans to cash balance arrangements, as well as related tax litigation involving plan disputes, financial services litigation and securities claims.


State Bar of California

District of Columbia Bar

American Benefits Council, Board Member, 2009-present

Order of Malta

St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, Finance Committee

St. Mary's Hospital, Volunteer


J.D., Rutgers Law School 1980 Editor, Rutgers Technology Journal

B.A., History, Rutgers University 1977 with distinction


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