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Marcin Trepka is a partner and co-leader in Warsaw office's Antitrust & Competition practice. He specializes in Polish and EU competition law as well as consumer law. He regularly represents clients before the competition authorities, Polish and EU courts of law and the Polish Supreme Court.

In addition, Marcin is active in the development of international competition law policy. He serves as the Co-Chairman of the Cartels&Leniency Task Force of the ICC Commission on Competition in Paris. He also serves as the Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network.

Marcin assists Clients with respect to the entire spectrum of competition law. He represented clients in some of the most challenging and well-known antitrust matters involving cartels (cement, chemical products to mining industry, and heat power cartel cases), antitrust litigation (lead defense counsel in one of the first private enforcement cases in Poland), or abuse of dominant market position (regarding the abuse of a dominant position on the gas markets in CEE). Marcin has also an extensive expertise in delivering complex antitrust compliance solutions, advising Clients on vertical and horizontal agreements (including distribution issues, on-line sales, cooperation between competitors, pricing and bonus policies), merger control (multijurisdictional mergers and JV), and consumer law issues (regulatory and consumer litigation). Marcin advises a wide range of Clients, including chemical, energy, insurance, media, finance and life science groups.


English, Polish


Warsaw Bar Association - Member ICC Commission on Competition in Paris - Co-Chairman of the global Cartels&Leniency Task Force ICC Commission on Competition in Poland - Vice-president


Polish Academy of Science (Post Graduate Diploma in Competition Law) (2012) Lazarski University in Warsaw (Master of Arts) (2009)


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