Region Area


Bernardo Cunha

Work Department

Banking and the Financial Markets; Past-Due Credits and the Acquisition of Credit Portfolios; Financing and Foreign Trade; Structured Finance and Securitization; and Mergers and Acquisitions Capital Markets.




Bernardo is a young and extremely competent lawyer at the banking & finance department of Pinheiro Guimarães, where he developed a vast experience in structured finance transactions, acquisition of non-performing loans and debt restructuring.  Bernardo has been involved in a wide variety of complex transactions as a banking & finance lawyer, including syndicated loans, export prepayment transactions, trade finance, acquisition financing, securitizations, derivatives and debt transactions structured through international and local capital markets deals. His expertise also includes the structuring and implementation of complex collateral packages, adding a unique value to the transactions in which he is involved.  Bernardo has also an innate talent to captivate and deal with clients.  Pinheiro Guimarães' clients feel very satisfied with his assistance in all aspects of the transactions.  Bernardo has recently advised two syndicates of local and foreign banks in the debt restructuring of the Usaçucar Group (Usina Santa Terezinha), in the amount of over US$692 million, where his dedication, talent and work was recognized by all parties and legal counsel involved.  The transaction involved negotiations over 18 banks, 6 local and foreign law firms, local and offshore agents and a comprehensive collateral package comprised of over 400 real properties, equipment, several types of receivables and bank accounts.  Bernardo has also recently advised Credit Suisse and JP Morgan in the financing to the Enel Group for the acquisition of the corporate control of Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A. – Eletropaulo, in the amount of BRL 5.3 billion, structured through with the issuance and public offering of secured commercial papers.  Bernardo has an LLM degree from Columbia Law School (Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar) and is admitted to practice also in New York.


Brazilian Bar Association and New York Bar.


Education: Colégio Santo Agostinho, Rio de Janeiro (BA). Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro Law School, Rio de Janeiro (LLB, 2009). Columbia University School of Law, New York (LLM, 2013). Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. Foreign Associate at Arnold & Porter LLP, Washington, 2013-2014. Co-author: "Alienação Fiduciária em Garantia: Evolução Legislativa e os Dilemas Atuais" (Fiduciary Transfer of Collateral: Legislative Evolution and Current Issues) in "Temas de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais" (Themes of Banking and Capital Markets Law), Renovar, 2014. Member: Brazilian Bar Association and New York Bar.