Siqueira Castro – Advogados

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Region Area


Guilherme Dantas

Work Department

São Paulo Office


• Parner with Siqueira Castro – Advogados• Founder and Partner of Dantas, Lee, Brock & Camargo Advogados. • Partner with Manhães Moreira Advogados• Consultant with KPMG • Legal representative, board of directors member and executive of various Brazilian subsidiaries of multinationals, in particular in the technology sector• Board member of third-sector entities in the areas of education and culture• Former visiting professor at UniSantana – Tax law• Former visiting professor at UniSantana – Foreign trade law• Teaching assistant in constitutional law at PUC-Campinas• Teaching assistant in procedural law at PUC-CAmpinas


• Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo State Chapter• Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro State Chapter• Member of the Association of Lawyers of São Paulo – AASP• Member of the International Bar Association – IBA• Representative of Brazil with the Association of International Tax Consultants - AITC• Former Board Member of the AITC• Former Board Member of Avrio Avocati



 Areas of activity• Corporate Law• Mergers and Acquisitions• Contracts• Private International Law• Commercial Law• Competition Law• Banking Law• Telecommunications• Civil Law• Court-Supervised Reorganization and Bankruptcy• Media and Entertainment Law• Third Sector


• Law Degree from Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Camp) Law School, in 1996• Postgraduate specialization in telecommunications law from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP)• Postgraduate specialization in economic law from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP)