Region Area


Douglas Vásquez

Douglas Vásquez

Arias, Nicaragua

Work Department

Real Estate | Tax and Fiscal Planning | Corporate




Douglas joined the Corporate, Tax and Real Estate team in June 2022, with more than a decade of experience in the legal world. He has advised national and international companies in corporate, commercial and tax compliance matters, focusing on providing preventive legal advice, regulatory compliance and reduction of legal risk for the clients.

From a tax approach, he has advised local and regional companies leaders in different economic industries like commerce and retailers; transportation; free zone companies; remittance and electronic money companies; real estate and NPOs.

In his tax experience, he has defended clients interests before Municipal tax entities, the National Tax Administration (DGI) and the National Customs Administration (DGA); in their daily necessities and in complex requirements as investment tax evaluation; claims for refunds; Tax and Customs audits; due diligence; tax compensation and/or returns and income tax exemptions.

As an added value to his experience in tax matters, Douglas is familiarized with the VET and ARI platforms, as well as with the Central American tariff system (SAC).


Spanish and English


International Bar Association (IBA)


Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua: Incorporated as Lawyer and Notary Public (2015)

Chamber of Industries of Nicaragua (CADIN), Nicaragua: Diploma in Business Tax Management (2017)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN): Postgraduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law (2016)

Universidad Americana (UAM), Nicaragua: LLM in Business (2022)

Universidad Centro Americana (UCA), Nicaragua: Law Degree and his degree in Business Law (2009)

Chamber of Customs Agents and Storers of Nicaragua (CADAEN), Nicaragua: Diploma in central American Tariff System SAC 2007-Adaptation to the Fourth Amendment to the SAC


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