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Qiang Xue

Qiang Xue

Jones Day, China


Dr. Qiang Xue represents clients in all aspects of antitrust law, including government investigations, merger reviews, and private litigations. Qiang has extensive experience in competition law enforcement and government regulation out of China. He served secondments with the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission and with the Fair Trading Office of the United Kingdom in 2011 and 2012. He also worked in Jones Day's Washington, D.C. antitrust and government regulation practices.

Before joining Jones Day in 2015, Qiang held various positions in China’s antitrust agency, and was involved in drafting the Anti-Monopoly Law of 2007 and many high-profile enforcement activities.

Qiang has published numerous antitrust articles and is a frequent speaker at international conferences. He teaches antitrust courses at Peking University and the Central University of Finance and Economics. Qiang is also an expert member of China National Corporate Compliance Committee and Beijing Administration for Market Regulation.


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