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Kenneth Steinthal

Kenneth Steinthal

King & Spalding LLP, United States


Kenneth Steinthal specializes in litigating matters in the intellectual property/media sector. His practice is focused on copyright, DMCA and antitrust/rate-setting cases involving the distribution of audio and audiovisual content, and includes counseling companies regarding the licensing implications of their product offerings. 

Ken has more than three decades of experience litigating matters spanning the IP/media sector, in jury and bench trial settings and before copyright tribunals in the U.S. and internationally.

Ken’s practice is focused on copyright, DMCA and antitrust/rate-setting cases involving the distribution of audio and audiovisual content. His cases typically involve the defense of copyright infringement claims and the establishment of structures and rates for the exploitation of musical works and sound recordings in both traditional (e.g., cable, satellite, broadcast) and new media distribution environments.


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