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Martin Hunt

Martin Hunt

King & Spalding, Saudi Arabia


Martin Hunt focuses on mergers, acquisitions and joint venture transactions in the energy, telecommunications, water, agriculture, construction and chemicals industries. Qualified as a lawyer in England and Wales, and an attorney in both New York and Texas, Martin is a partner in the firm's Mergers & Acquisitions practice, where he has advised on over 100 M&A transactions in the U.S. alone, and has represented clients in transactions in over 70 countries.

Martin also advises private equity funds on their structuring and formation, and the subsequent acquisition, restructuring and disposition of their portfolio companies. With his dual qualification in the UK and the U.S., he is perfectly positioned to advise (a) U.S. companies on their acquisitions in the UK and their international projects that are governed by English law and (b) UK companies on their transactions in the U.S.

Mr. Hunt's advice to clients in the energy sector has covered a broad range, including many downstream matters for clients such as Shell and also upstream projects. He has advised on transactions in the renewables sector. He has also extensively represented clients in the oil field services sector. Recently, Martin has been focused particularly on energy projects in Africa.

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